Friday 10 September 2021

5 Undeniable Benefits of White-Label SEO

Say you are a content marketing agency. Your primary task is to create killer content that will help your clients stand out in the competitive market. However, to reach the right audiences, gain traffic, and rank well on Google, your clients’ content needs to be optimized. 

As you have no SEO knowledge and do not hire an in-house SEO team, you decide to outsource SEO services to a white-label SEO agency. 

The idea behind the fancy “white-label SEO” term is simple. It depicts the partnership between a digital marketing professional and another SEO company. The white-label SEO agency you team up with does the work for you without taking credit for it. A client communicates with your agency solely, meaning that SEO partnerships will not overwhelm them.

White-label SEO is a lucrative opportunity to provide your clients with consistent and holistic services without compromising their satisfaction. 

Let’s see how white-label SEO partnerships can benefit your business.

1. SEO Agencies Provide Teams of Experts

The SEO arena is complex.  Google now ranks pages based on users’ intent. And, to do that, it considers a wide array of ranking signals, including: 

website security

page speed


technical SEO


social signals

domain authority

content optimization 

Taking care of those aspects of SEO may be complicated and time-consuming for your inexperienced staff. Sure, building an in-house SEO team may benefit your company in many ways. However, you cannot hire one or two persons and expect them to do the impossible. Each of the practices mentioned above requires different skills and knowledge. Therefore, you would need to hire a diverse SEO team, consisting of technical SEO professionals, on-site SEO professionals, off-site SEO professionals, content writers, etc. And, this may cost you a pretty penny.

That is where outsourcing SEO to a white-label agency steps in. A reliable SEO company already has the manpower to meet your clients’ demands. They hire a team of SEO professionals, content developers, project managers, and link builders, all working side-by-side. You will not have to worry, as your projects would be overseen and managed by the people that have been working in the SEO industry for years.

2. You do not Need to Invest in SEO Tools

To do SEO in-house, you will also need to equip your teams with the right tools. From measuring SEO health and link building to keyword research and website traffic analytics, there is a wide range of tools you will need to purchase to unleash your SEO team’s full potential. Unsurprisingly, sophisticated SEO tools cost more money. 

When you hire a white-label SEO agency, you will not need to invest in SEO technologies. SEO professionals have sets of tools needed to handle any SEO project. Therefore, you would get results you could not achieve on your own.

3. You can Focus on your Primary Services

Let’s get back to the example of a content marketing agency. SEO practices, such as performing keyword research, tracking website performance, reaching bloggers, building links, or optimizing meta descriptions, require significant time investments. 

Learning SEO on the run would not cut it, as your agency would soon fail to focus on its primary service – researching and developing high-quality content for its clients. By outsourcing SEO to trusted partners, you can finally improve your teams’ performance and help them refocus on those aspects of their job they are passionate about. Your partners would handle SEO tasks faster and more professionally, without burdening your in-house staff. 

For your business, this is an opportunity to reduce costs, boost employee performance, and scale faster.

4. Boosting your Client Base

No matter if you are a content writing agency or a website developer, not providing SEO services means leaving money on the table. That is where hiring the right SEO firm may help you. By combining your primary services with SEO services, you may attract new clients and strengthen relationships with existing ones.

Above all, you will boost clients’ satisfaction and loyalty, as you will deliver services more professionally and meet deadlines more effectively.

5. Outsourcing SEO Boosts your Revenue

Observing the benefits of white-label SEO partnerships, you can conclude they may also have an immense impact on your bottom line. 

For starters, your teams will be more efficient. Focusing on the practices they are professional in, they will provide clients with faster and more professional services.

Second, you will expand your services. This way, you will cater to your clients’ needs more effectively and retain them in the long-run.

Finally, you can find clients easier, as you will now have access to your partner’s clients. 

For your agency, that is a win-win scenario that will help you grow faster and ensure better cash flow.  

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